The workshops are also themed around Forging Identity. Below are the pdf files of the handouts and powerpoint presentations for the workshops that included them.  You will find the audio for each workshop (where available) below.


Forging Identity through Recruiing, Empowering and Releasing Indigenous Leaders, Don Davis and Ted Smith

This workshop is a discussion on how to structure and employ specific ministry initiatives to develop and strengthen identity in Christ in emerging leaders, with special emphasis and examples from World Impact's ministry initiatives.

Handout for download: Summit Workshop, Smith, Davis.pdf

Presentation file for download: Forging Identity through Recruiting, Empowering and Releasing Indigenous Leaders.pdf


Forging Identity through Fight the Good Fight, 
Mary Flin

This workshop helps attendees understand how to use our resource, Fight the Good Fight of Faith to help English-speaking students develop a strong identity in Christ.


Church Planting Track #1: The 5 E's of Effective Urban Church Planting, 
Bob Engel

Here we will provide a general overview of the essential principles of effective urban church planting, with special focus on how church planters can impact identity throughout the life of their church plant.

Handout for download: The 5 E's of Effective Urban Church Planting.pdf


Church Planting Track #2: Manasseh Home (Church Planting and Re-Entry Leadership), Bob Engel, Paul Chan

This workshop gives practical insights and advice on forging identity in returning citizens (from prison) in residential and related ministry programs.

 No Audio Available


12 Principles of Satellites, Don Allsman and Mary Flin

This workshop will rehearse the 12 fundamental principles of effective TUMI Satellite development, based on the best practices of our finest satellites in our 20 year history.  This session will mine the treasures of our outstanding satellite practice, and look at some of the ways in which our satellites are currently employing innovative approaches to equip leaders throughout our network.

Handout for download: Applying the 12 Principles: How Sites Implement TUMI's Philosophy.pdf


Developing Effective Plans for Forging Identity, Don Allsman

This workshop is a practical how-to session to help trainers and disciplers to develop and implement basic spiritual formation strategies to help believers forge strong and biblical identity.

Handout for download: Developing Effective Plans for Forging Identity.pdf


Prison Ministry Forum, Dave Dove- Facilitator

This workshop is an open dialogue and question and answer on the challenges, promise, and best practices of effective prison ministry, especially as it relates to helping prisoners forge new identities in Christ.

Handout for download: Capstone Requirements.pdf


Forging Identity through Capstone, Hank Voss, Bob Lay

Dr. Voss and Bob Lay will share basic ideas, insights and instruction on how to use TUMI's seminary educational instruction to help students embrace their new identities in Christ.

Handout for download: Forging Identity with the Capstone Curriculum.pdf

Handout for download: Appendix 2, Capstone Quiz.pdf

Handout for download: Appendix 6, Class Evaluation-DOCCC.pdf

Presentation for download: Forging Identity with the Capstone Curriculum.pdf




Forjando Una Identidad a través de Pelea La Buena Batalla de La Fe, Gustavo Delgado

This workshop is hosted in Spanish and will help understand how to use our resource, Fight the Good Fight of Faith to help Spanish-speaking students develop a strong identity in Christ.

Powerpoint: Folleto para descargar: Cumbre de Satellites TUMI.pdf


Forjando Una Identidad a través de Piedra Angular, David Hernandez

This workshop is in Spanish.  Come and receive basic ideas, insights, and instruction on how to use TUMI's seminary educational instruction to help students embrace their new identities in Christ.

Folleto para descargar: Notas para La Conferencia.pdf