The Battle Belongs to the Lord
The Battle Belongs to the Lord: Celebrating and Experiencing Christus Victor! In this lost and broken world, the witness of Christ’s victory over evil and his sure promise of a restored creation lie at the heart of effective urban ministry.
One of the great themes of Scripture is simple and powerful: our God is a Man of War, dedicated to putting down his enemies and rescuing his own for his glory! This thematic packet, The Battle Belongs to the Lord: Celebrating and Experiencing Christus Victor!, focuses on this great concept of God as warrior, and maps out our responsibility to respond as soldiers of Christ to advance his Kingdom. In this lost and broken world, the witness of Christ’s victory over evil and his sure promise of a restored creation lie at the heart of effective urban ministry. Throughout this year we have been highlighting Christ’s cosmic victory over Satan, death, hell, and sin, focusing on the biblical theme of spiritual warfare and rediscovering God’s victory in Christ over the powers. We believe it important to understand and embody Christ’s comprehensive victory in our personal and congregational lives. As early Christians said with the fanfare of their hearts, so we cry with them today: "To Christ be the victory!"
God's Covenent Faithfulness (Deut. 7.8-9)
Captain of the Lord's Army (Joshua 5.13-15)
The Call of God (1 Samuel 17.45-47)
God's Power (1 Samuel 17.45-47)
Jehoshapahat and the Moabites (2 Chronicles 20.12-15)
Hezekiah and the Assyrians (Isaiah 37.32-35)
Daniel and the Three Hebrew Boys (Daniel 3)
Esther, Nehemiah and Ezra (Esther 4.13-14)
Jesus' Humilation (Colossians 1.13-18)
Jesus' Exaltation (Colossians 1.13-18)
The Church Militant (Matthew 16.15-19)
The Church Triumphant (Revelation 12.9-11)