We establish TUMI satellites in strategic partnership with churches, and church traditions in order to ensure that their leaders are equipped for effective urban ministry, and empowered to display and advance the Kingdom in unreached communities neighboring their own. As God raises up a new generation of qualified spiritual laborers, we will see the numbers of new believers and healthy churches, and new church movements multiply across America and the world!
We also work to help the leaders and churches arising from existing and emerging church movements to participate as active members of larger networks of healthy assemblies where they can be edified through common worship and discipleship, dynamic, ongoing fellowship, and protected through effective structures of godly oversight and stewardship. We help these churches and their leaders collaborate with others of likeminded vision in order to work together on strategic projects of fellowship, giving, service, and mission.
The TUMI Satellite structure is our answer to the inacessibility of much traditional theological education to leaders of the church in the city. Our desire is to establish as many satellites as necessary to service the churches who serve the city, not only the ones which currently exist but those which the Lord will raise up through new strategic efforts of evangelism, discipling, and church planting.