World Impact Founds The Urban Ministry Institute

In 1995 World Impact established The Urban Ministry Institute in order to facilitate its Kingdom advance in urban America. Designed to equip churches and organizations to launch their own training centers, TUMI currently partners with churches, ministries, organizations and school, across the country and around the world. As World Impact continues to plant churches and partner with denominations to reach the unreached of urban America, The Urban Ministry Institute will work with them to empower their leaders and churches, and to equip a new generation of pastors, Christian workers, and urban missionaries to minister effectively in urban neighborhoods, and to work for their healing and transformation as the Lord leads.

The Urban Ministry Institute is a ministry of World Impact, an interdenominational missions organization dedicated to evangelism, discipleship, and church planting among the urban poor in America. As its research center, TUMI seeks to equip leaders for the urban church, especially among the poor, to advance the Kingdom of God. We empower church planting movements among the poor to reach and transform America’s inner cities.

Empowering Church Planting Movements

In order to attain this purpose, we help form strategic alliances between and among urban pastors, Christian workers, and missionaries, along with churches and denominations, and other Kingdom-minded organizations reaching out to the inner city. We facilitate these connections in order to trigger robust, evangelical pioneer church planting movements in the city. It is our hope that these movements will multiply thousands of culturally-conducive evangelical C1 churches among America’s urban poor. We will offer our expertise to assure that the churches in these movements glorify God the Father in their Christ-centered identity, Spirit-formed worship and community life, defending the historic orthodox faith, and engaging in Kingdom-oriented social justice and evangelical mission.

Since 1995, TUMI has sought to equip leaders who will both shepherd the urban church and oversee the advancement of the Kingdom through church planting in America’s inner cities. Through our various training events and resources, TUMI strives to see the evangelical leaders and churches from these movements join together in explicit unity for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission among the urban poor in America. Starting with the American unreached poor, we are challenging every inner city Christian leader, and urban church, and denominations to collaborate and coordinate their gifts, efforts, and resources to advance the Gospel of Christ and his kingdom to every urban poor community on earth. Look at some of the resources we have developed on the need to unite our efforts for a common missions focus on the urban poor through church planting!