♦ Host tutoring classes
♦ Voluteer at local school (in classroom or lunch aids)
♦ Host a computer training class
♦ Set up food and clothing ministry at your church
♦ ESL Program
♦ Outreach to Prostitutes
♦ Gang Ministry
♦ Youth Ministry
♦ Legal Advocacy Support
♦ Wife/spousal abuse
♦ Substance Abuse Program
♦ Aids support network
♦ Neighborhood Watch
♦ Big Brothers, Big Sisters
♦ Pray for, correspond with, and/or support a missionary
♦ Sponsor a TUMI Satellite
♦ Mentor at a TUMI Prison Satellite
♦ Support a parachurch ministry in your area
♦ Establish regular Let God Arise! prayer meeting for cities of America and world
♦ Plant a sister church
♦ Establish a GED program
♦ Host a regular church service at a nursing home (offer worship, devotions, prayer, and fellowship)
♦ Start a pen-pal program matching volunteers to a person with special needs (write letters and send small treats on a regular basis)
♦ Literacy program