The Just Shall Live by Faith

abraham isaac 676This year’s Sacred Roots Annual invites you to a new level of adventure and courage in your walk of faith. It beckons you to join the Church in its integrated, shared spiritual journey as you trust in the promise of God as you encounter every foe and issue you will face this year, and, like Abraham, will not withhold anything from him who keeps your soul safe from harm. Resting on his promise, we hope to tread the same path that has been traversed by pilgrims, disciples, and followers of Jesus through the ages, all those who have trusted in his Word, and stayed the course to the end. Our explicit goal this year is to deepen our faith, to more tightly cling to the promise of him who has never failed in his good promise to his own. He is the true and faithful witness.

Dear friend and fellow pilgrim, come along with us this year as we journey together in the footsteps of the saints who followed the Master, and believed his Word. Come, celebrate with us as we participate as characters in the greatest Story ever told, humbly following the Great Covenant Keeper, whose sure Word is our life and portion. Come, learn to walk by faith and not by sight, for his Word is true–the righteous shall live by faith. May this year’s Annual strengthen your faith walk in every way, to the glory of God.